<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Films of Fury: The Kung Fu Movie Book
































Author's site: Ricmeyers.com



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For One Week Only: The World of Exploitation Films 






















For One Week Only

by Ric Meyers

I Dismember Mama ... Snuff ... Night of a Thousand Cats ... these and many more like-titled examples of cinematic dementia delighted dozens in the grindhouse movie theaters of the sixties, seventies, and eighties. Now, for the second time ever, For One Week Only reveals the incredible truth behind the most manic movies ever made. Filled with interviews and rare illustration, it captures the joys of a genre that has to be seen not to be believed. To avoid fainting, keep repeating: it's only a book ...!

About the Author

Ric Meyers is the writer of The World of Fantasy Films, The Great Science Fiction Films, Great Martial Arts Movies, Murder on the Air, and TV Detectives, as well as the author of Dell Books’ horror novel trilogy Fear Itself, Living Hell, and Worst Nightmare. He was also the head writer of Fangoria, consulting editor for Famous Monsters of Filmland, assistant editor of Movie Monsters, contributing editor for The Weekly World News, and a columnist for Asian Cult Cinema. He served as Special Media Consultant for CBS-TV’s revival of The Twilight Zone and the slasher film Just Before Dawn, among many other exploitative things.













"First rate ... it succeeds totally ... Though very much a labor of love, Meyers' critical acumen or his moral sensibility has not dulled. Astute interpretations ...well-informed discussions ... worthy ... valuable ... much of the information and viturally all the illustrations are unavailable elsewhere in book form."

—Film Quarterly

Sex sells, and through the mid twentieth century, those without the most creative vision realized this more than anything else. "For One Week Only: The World of Exploitation Films" presents a series of reviews of many exploitation films of the era, offering details of their so called plots, their bait and switch, and the many sub-genres such as sexploitation and blacksploitation. Sex and violence were the names of the game, answering what people gutterally wanted, and Ric Meyers brings readers on a fun journey through the 1960s and 1970s. "For One Week Only" is a fine collection of thought, very much recommended.

— Midwest Book Review